Frontend Development

Our Services in Frontend Development

We are moving forward and optimizing our solutions towards higher speed and less memory usage.

What we do

We develop HTTPS Frontend Applications

While the backend is running on the host system, a user is accessing the data through a client app (frontend).

Each embedded system usually needs an interaction with the user – either configuration, setting or monitoring. We develop HTTPS frontend applications as a part of embedded systems.

We can scale the frontend complexity according to the need of the use case requirements and adjust the application to the client device – either a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

Our frontends are web-browser applications or separate compiled applications with access to the same API as web browsers.

Frontend Development

Frontend Development

Check out all details about this service

Technologies and Tools
Technologies and Tools (Frontend development)
Technologies and Tools (Frontend development)

Technologies and Tools

We choose the most effective tools and technologies for given application case.

Our most preferred tools are ReactJS and Angular libraries for frontend development. We use both JavaScript and Typescript for the coding.

For the frontend graphic, our code interacts with SVG module. We also handle powerful chart technologies as Lightning Chart. We produce both browser and native applications. In most cases, the applications are based on Chromium V8 engine.

Target Markets
Target Markets (Frontend development)
Target Markets (Frontend development)

Target Markets

We are prepared to develop frontend customized to each industry.

For example measurement instruments, the Internet of Things (IoT), radio space monitoring, telecom and radiocommunication or software defined radios (SDR)...

Our Workflow
Our Workflow (Frontend development)
Our Workflow (Frontend development)

Our Workflow

You can expect professional approach in every step of frontend development.

After the initial analysis of the requirements and its review, a architecture of the components and HUE design are created.

Next stage is coding and unit testing. It is followed by the integration of the components into the complete system.

The final stage is usually integration with hardware (if applicable), deep user testing, and handover to the customer.
Our Experience
Our Experience (Frontend development)
Our Experience (Frontend development)

Our Experience

One of our last bespoke projects was in frontend development.

One of our last projects was front-end application for the configuration and the monitoring of a directional antenna. The antenna was fitted with customized radio modules. The modules are identified by their type, and corresponding configuration table is created.

The whole device has user access control and secured communication using SSL certificates.

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Our hardware and software development company is ready for new partners, business opportunities and challenging projects.

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Pavel Vrtík

Pavel Vrtík

Business Development


Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment, Handover and Cooperation Frameworks

How We Can Cooperate

Based on your business case and to meet your individual needs, you can choose one of two options for financing and delivery models of our services.

Fixed Cost Project

We suggest highly specified work packages, and you can decide whether they fit your needs.

We deliver, report, and invoice individual packages based on the agreed schedule.

This option is most suitable for projects where all or most of the specification is known.

Hourly Rate Service

We agree on an hourly rate and prepare an offer that includes a rough job specification. The development team dedicated by us will be part of your team. 

This means your manager directly controls the job priorities and addresses the on-the-fly issues. Hourly rate is based on the cost we have with the activity such as engineer salary and cost of the rented tool.

This scenario is suitable for projects where the exact effort is unknown, or the specification is very general.
Software Development overview

Related Customized Solutions and Case Studies

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Frontend Development