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Bluetooth® Low Energy for IoT and Asset Tracking - Advantages and Best Practice
Author: Denys Khmyl
Explore the advantages and best practices for implementing Bluetooth® Low Energy in asset tracking and IoT to maximize efficiency and minimize power consumption.
A Different Way of Working from Home
Author: Tomáš Souček
PCB designer from Consilia works from his garden house. The walk from his family house takes just about 10 seconds, but, symbolically, it divides his two worlds.
“It is a real job, just without daily commuting, which would take me about three hours a day.”
What determines a PCB design for the automotive industry? Robustness first and then price.
Author: Petr Horák
What makes working for global automotive leaders challenging if you are a senior PCB designer? We asked Petr Horák, the PCB designer of the Consilia company, who has been specializing in the PCB design for the last twelve years.
“The automotive industry is specific as all your products have to last at least fifteen or even twenty years.”
I need to heat up my brain. I would not enjoy making the same boards over and over again.
Author: Petr Horák
Petr Horák doesn't like to go down smooth ways.
“I like project thinking and focusing on one specific thing. But at the same time, after a while, I need to switch gears and start focusing on a completely different segment. That's why I'm very keen on working on a variety of project types.” says the PCB designer, who has now been working for Consilia for six years.
TETRA base station that goes to the edge of physical limits
Author: Martin Tesař
The ground TETRA base station, whose development we worked on between 2012-2017, thanks to our oscillators combined with excellent energetic efficiency, is still at the top among the products which can be made with current technologies.
One of the Reasons We Are Successful Is Our Ability to Fill Out Space Among Corporations
Author: Martin Tesař
Interview with Martin Tesař, the CEO of Aton Benu Consult, and Petr Horák, a PCB designer at Consilia, about the nearshoring model.
When you are an electrical engineer, you can calculate energy savings in your house
Author: Martin Tesař
Martin Tesař, who manages a company focusing on electronics development, built a low-energy house more or less with his own hands during the last few years.
“I try to be a bit of an evangelist in my vicinity,” says the CEO of Aton Benu Consult.
Comparison of V-model and Agile Software Development Methodology
Author: Martin Tesař
For software development, we have experience with various development practices. In the last years, we have mostly focused on two different software development processes: a V-model-based and Agile-based process; for Agile, we have worked both in Scrum and Kanban models.
Machine Learning and Maintenance Prediction in Manufacturing
Author: Jan Říha
Machine learning and artificial intelligence can help us monitor and, more importantly, correctly diagnose instrument deviations.
Why Do Medical Devices Follow such High Standards?
Author: Tomáš Hlavatý
Medical devices of all types are getting more complex, interconnected, and specialized. But the more sophisticated the devices are, the more attention they need from governmental regulators.
Our Experience with Hardware Product Life Cycle
Author: Mikuláš Kišš
For the product development for huge customers or corporations, where we participate as a contributor, we follow the customer's processes. For the demonstrator and prototype development, we follow this flow.
Hundreds of thousands
of custommers' devices in daily use.
We have successfully finished projects in the market segments of measurement instruments, aerospace, telecom and radiocommunication, medical, automotive, and the IoT (Internet of Things).