PCB Design

PCB Design Services

This is a crucial activity we do in the complete product creation or as an bespoke service. We are not limited by almost anything in the PCB world.

What We Do

We draw a circuit diagram, make a PCB layout, production data and PCB prototypes.

We offer our considerable experience and technical background, including circuit design know-how and professional PCB layout team.

We are ready to work for the customers flexibly, so it is possible to request any of the steps individually.

Our outputs are usually production data and assembled prototype PCB.

The PCB design is one easily visible output of the hardware design. It is a bridge between the electronic product concept and prototype.

This is a crucial activity we do in the complete product creation or as an bespoke service. We are not limited by almost anything in the PCB world.

PCB Design

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Technologies and Tools

Technologies and Tools

Technologies and Tools

Cadence PCB designer has been our favourite tool for many years.

We can also make PCB designs in Altium Designer, Mentor PADS, or Mentor Expedition, especially when the toolchain is built on one of these tools.

Although the source file base is different among these tools, all provide production data output in common standard Gerber data or ODB++ format.
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Target Markets
Target Markets

Target Markets

Our PCB design is applied in almost all industries.

Our Workflow

Our Workflow

Our Workflow

We can support you in any individual activity that has clear input and output definition.

  • We start with the hardware design activities—either on our own or based on the given system architecture.
  • We prepare all necessary component database items. We collect all component information and manufacturer recommendations. We prepare a schematic diagram symbol and PCB layout footprint accordingly.
  • The next step is double-checking the new database items, which are now ready to use in the design.
  • After finishing the schematic circuit design, we transfer the data to the PCB layout environment.
  • Our PCB layout engineers work out the complete PCB design. Negotiating the PCB stack-up or manufacturing limitations with the producer is included. For more complex PCBs, they closely cooperate with our or customers' specialists in the particular field – e.g., radio frequency or fast digital segment.
  • The final PCB design is reviewed by a team of our/customer's experts. After the design approval, a production data package is created and sent to the production or to the customer for further usage.
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Our Experience

Hundreds of PCBs in 20 years of experience

Our Experience

Our Experience

We create anything in the range of 2-layer up to the limts of manufacture.

We create simple, small, and cheap PCBs for the usage in sensors and interfacing, as well as very complex PCBs. High performance PCBs support typically microwave frequencies up to 50 GHz or extremely high throughput of digital data up to 400Gb/s.

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Our hardware and software development company is ready for new partners, business opportunities and challenging projects.

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Pavel Vrtík

Pavel Vrtík

Business Development


Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment, Handover and Cooperation Frameworks

How We Can Cooperate

Based on your business case and to meet your individual needs, you can choose one of two options for financing and delivery models of our services.

Fixed Cost Project

We suggest highly specified work packages, and you can decide whether they fit your needs.

We deliver, report, and invoice individual packages based on the agreed schedule.

This option is most suitable for projects where all or most of the specification is known.

Hourly Rate Service

We agree on an hourly rate and prepare an offer that includes a rough job specification. The development team dedicated by us will be part of your team. 

This means your manager directly controls the job priorities and addresses the on-the-fly issues. Hourly rate is based on the cost we have with the activity such as engineer salary and cost of the rented tool.

This scenario is suitable for projects where the exact effort is unknown, or the specification is very general.

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PCB Design