Hardware Design

Hardware Design Services

We select the best solution for your marketing idea. We are active in all hardware design activities and all development stages.

What we do

We Design Various Types of Hardware

From simple designs with just one microcontroller, through more complex multiprocessor systems, to complex instruments that provide advanced functionality.

Hardware design is also related to embedded software development. We design hardware that can be driven by software or firmware we developed as well. Our HW and SW engineers closely cooperate on hardware integration with software from the project beginning.

We can develop complex instruments such as a microwave receiver or transmitter controlled by FPGA or processor.

The main output is a working prototype with appropriate documentation and test reports.

We select the best solution for your marketing idea. We are active in all hardware design activities and all development stages.

Hardware Design

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Technologies and Tools

Simulations—PCB Design—Tests.

Technologies and Tools

Technologies and Tools

We use common low-frequency tools as well as high-frequency simulators.

For the simulation we use common low-frequency tools like LTspice and Microcap, and high-frequency simulators Ansoft Designer and Cadence Microwave Office.

For the PCB design we focus on Cadence PCB Designer, Altium Designer, and Mentor Expedition.

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Target Markets

Target Markets

Target Markets

We support large corporates and middle-sized leaders in almost all market segments.

Our customers are focused on niche markets in wide range of application areas.

Our Workflow

We select the best possible solution for your marketing idea.

Our Workflow

Our Workflow

Product specification through schematic and a PCB layout to prototype testing.

We will create a product specification for your marketing idea and then conduct a feasibility study together.

We create a few potential solutions or concepts and perform simulations of the most critical blocks.

PCB design follows—we create the schematic and do the PCB layout.

The last steps of the whole process are the production of prototypes, their verification, final documentation, and acceptance test reports.
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Our Experience

Boards with brilliant performance.

Our Experience

Our Experience

We started from simple hardware modules with small PCBs and proceeded to very complex boards.

Such boards join brilliant performance in the microwave or digital domain with embedded software.

In the radio domain, we design receivers and transmitters up to 50 GHz. In the digital domain, we created gigabit modules capable of data rates of 400 Gb/s and more.
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Let Us Know About Your Project

Contact us

Our hardware and software development company is ready for new partners, business opportunities and challenging projects.

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Pavel Vrtík

Pavel Vrtík

Business Development


Feel free to contact me directly.

Payment, Handover and Cooperation Frameworks

How We Can Cooperate

Based on your business case and to meet your individual needs, you can choose one of two options for financing and delivery models of our services.

Fixed Cost Project

We suggest highly specified work packages, and you can decide whether they fit your needs.

We deliver, report, and invoice individual packages based on the agreed schedule.

This option is most suitable for projects where all or most of the specification is known.

Hourly Rate Service

We agree on an hourly rate and prepare an offer that includes a rough job specification. The development team dedicated by us will be part of your team. 

This means your manager directly controls the job priorities and addresses the on-the-fly issues. Hourly rate is based on the cost we have with the activity such as engineer salary and cost of the rented tool.

This scenario is suitable for projects where the exact effort is unknown, or the specification is very general.

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Hardware Design